The creators of Mathster are British and all were trained as secondary school Mathematics teachers.
Thailand is where the Mathster guys originally met. All three taught Mathematics at the prestigious Harrow International School in Bangkok. Andy has since moved back to the UK as a maths advisor.
https://www.harrowschool.ac.thHong Kong
Hong Kong is the country in which Mathster's parent company, Think Academic, is registered. We chose Hong Kong because of its close proximity to Thailand and because of the strong legal infrastructure.
Mexico is the home to Cesar G, our JavaScript programmer who makes all the fancy whizzy things on the site.
Pakistan is where the graphic designer for the site, Junaid, lives and works.

Egypt is the home to Mohamed who cuts through difficult code and makes stuff work.

Indonesia is the home of David who is a hardcore Mathster coder.

Henry is a keen traveller and, when he is not in an aeroplane, is busy programming Mathster.

Milos is a teacher from Serbia who is also an expert in Flex which makes him a perfect match for Mathster.